Welcome to Woven Women

A Space for the Wild-Hearted Woman, the Wolf Mothers & the Guardians of all that is Holy & Sacred.

We are the mothers that sings grandmother songs to our children at night, and weaves energetic protection as they travel through dreamland. 
We are the mothers who are devoted to truth and revolt in our  homes by living a slow and sacred life filled with ritual and joy with our children by our side every step of the way. 
In this space we have crafted a tapestry that is rooted in the holy. 

Together we are committed to preserving the power of womanhood, the sacredness of motherhood, and the innocence of our children. We welcome all maidens, mothers, magas, and crones. 

As women, we are the sanctuary for which life can be birthed from and it is essential that we have sacred spaces that honour our primordial essence and help us remember the innate wisdom we all carry in our bones.

Woven Women is co-created by Janet Borger and Christine Murphy. Janet is a devoted mother, herbalist, and intuitive channel. Christine is a free birthing mother to children on both sides of the veil, a homesteader, and woman reclaiming the ancient ways for her and her family.

We are women that see the unseen, that feel in our hearts before we know in our minds.  

In this private and censorship-free space, we provide an energetic anchor for you to support and nourish your nervous system, be inspired by other women, and stoke the fire of your own inner flame. 

Woven Women Coven Offers: 

Each month you receive...
Our Live Offerings:
♥︎ Monthly Womancraft Workshop with handpicked guests
♥︎ Birth Keeper Council 
♥︎ Women's Council
Live calls are typically Saturdays or Sundays at 11 AM MST

Additional Offerings: 
♥︎ Monthly Energy Forecast
♥︎ Individual Mini Card Reading
♥︎ Nourishing Ancestral Recipe 
♥️ Seasonal Plant Wisdom & Energetics 
♥️ 24/7 Wild-Hearted Sisterhood & Chat Forum
♥️ Free access to our Woven Women archives of recorded classes, resources, recipes, seasonal rituals, playlists, and so much more. 

We can't wait to weave wisdom & magic with you inside Woven Women! Come join us and other magical women from all over the world. 

With Deep Love & Gratitude, 

Christine & Janet